
here is where the captain SHOULD have written about the ship, but alas, she is lazy.

Crew Members

Cap'n Hopkins
Victoria the Navigator
Professor Downes
Medic Jade
Master Jacob
Will the Fifth
Mr. Jake (QM)
Steamdroid 50-PH-13
David the Mercenary

The Cap'n

The Cap'n

The Navigator

The Navigator

The Prof.

The Prof.

Jade the Wench

Jade the Wench

Will the Fifth

Will the Fifth

Associates & Friends

  • S.T.E.A.M. and their Commodore
  • Mr. Space of floating Tortuga
Sunday 24 January 2010

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Um... If I may... I know things have been busy around here recently, but I am short some supplies and need some restocking. That, and I seem have to depleted the ship's ammo stores, which does put us in a slightly sticky situation when it comes to defense.
As we seem to be drifting aimlessly over Europe at the moment, may I forward a motion to take a trip to London? There are some great warehouses by the docks, ad I'm sure we could find all we need.

Oh, and perhaps a detour to the former West End?

yours ever-faithfully,


P.S. stop eating my confounded cactus plants! I don't care if you got a taste for them in the desert, they're of a special breed and consumption over a sustained period of time will almost certainly prove detrimental the health... hallucinations may be fun, but they may never go away.


Jade Rat said...

I think London sounds like a fabulous idea.
And I believe that yor cactus' are very delicious and if you don't want them eaten you will have to hide them better. (I mean under lock and key, in a steel trunk in your lab upon which you have piled numerous things is just not good enough!)

Also anyone spot a couple of rat babies roaming around please let me know...seems I may have sexed a few of our ratty inhabitants wrongly.

vixana666 said...

London... Ah London!
It's been too long since we were back in good ol' Blighty... Seems it might be worth a visit. I wonder how it's changed since our adventures began!
I have just checked my charts, to my reckoning it'll be a week or so's travel, weather permitting. I'll go tell the Cap'n our bearings.
To London, rat babies!