
here is where the captain SHOULD have written about the ship, but alas, she is lazy.

Crew Members

Cap'n Hopkins
Victoria the Navigator
Professor Downes
Medic Jade
Master Jacob
Will the Fifth
Mr. Jake (QM)
Steamdroid 50-PH-13
David the Mercenary

The Cap'n

The Cap'n

The Navigator

The Navigator

The Prof.

The Prof.

Jade the Wench

Jade the Wench

Will the Fifth

Will the Fifth

Associates & Friends

  • S.T.E.A.M. and their Commodore
  • Mr. Space of floating Tortuga
Wednesday 23 September 2009
Evening all, Prof. here. All right, I guess it's up to me to explain the mysterious absence of posts for such a long time. The answer is simple - we have been heavily involved in a search and rescue mission, and have had little time for anything else. I know that there may be some confusion over the exact happenings, but I have endeavoured to record them correctly. Here goes.
The events ran thus: upon arrival in Mexico, after a long time aboard ship, most of the crew felt it was within their rights to go and investigate the local night life. It turned out that the night life was very lively indeed, and we lost track of the captain. Much was a blur after that, apparently (I had absented myself shortly beforehand), but when the crew returned to the Eleanor, the navigator found a ransom note in her coat pocket, demanding eight hundred pieces of gold or the equivalent thereof in other valuables for the safe return of Captain Hartlieb. Who Captain Hartlieb is we had no idea, but apparently our captain had been mistaken for another, of a much richer crew, and was being held hostage.
I cannot describe the gloom cast upon the crew at this discovery, nor shall I bore you with our complicated plot of espionage that resulted in us learning the location of our beloved Captain - these shall be documented in my memoirs, however, if anyone is interested.
At any rate, the kidnappers had set themselves up in a mountain fortress, that was rather inconveniently situated (for us, at least) - they could see any approaching airship for miles. Because of this, we were forced to make an excessively long trek up the mountain. After all, living on an airship does mean you become unused to walking long distances. We arrived eventually, however, and long and frankly very odd battle ensued - the details of which can again be found in my memoirs. I can inform you it involved lighting guns and a new type of dart-equipped bracelet that I apparently haven't worked all the kinks out of yet... sorry again, Nav. Ahem.
Anyway... we got the captain back, none the worse for wear - they had kept her happily stocked up on tequila, and she hadn't had the faintest clue as to what had happened since the night of her capture.
So all's well that ends well, etcetera... although... hm. Cancel the first part of this entry; that wasn't a very simple explanation at all...


Steampunk Sophie said...
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Steampunk Sophie said...

Ah that would account for much seeming as my memory hardrive was damagd by their technologically skilled crew. Thank you prof. for fixing me back up. I can't calculate what I'd do without you.

Welcome back Captain! Allow me to brew you some tea.

Gunner Riley said...

Now Now.... You Cant shorten such a battle ! Without recalling the casualties you leave all the interesting parts out ! Ironic seeming i needed a new targeting system for my goggles.... Blighter nearly took my eye out ....