
here is where the captain SHOULD have written about the ship, but alas, she is lazy.

Crew Members

Cap'n Hopkins
Victoria the Navigator
Professor Downes
Medic Jade
Master Jacob
Will the Fifth
Mr. Jake (QM)
Steamdroid 50-PH-13
David the Mercenary

The Cap'n

The Cap'n

The Navigator

The Navigator

The Prof.

The Prof.

Jade the Wench

Jade the Wench

Will the Fifth

Will the Fifth

Associates & Friends

  • S.T.E.A.M. and their Commodore
  • Mr. Space of floating Tortuga
Saturday 2 April 2011

PostHeaderIcon Where?

I can only assume that we have been stuck in a lightning cloud for an immensly long time, without acsess to our log. This has disorientated me, and I no longer know whether I'm coming or going, where are we?? Anyone want to enlighten me?? We definatley need to make a stop a port, to get supplies
Tuesday 15 June 2010

PostHeaderIcon Docking Update #12

Well, we've just arrived in London and are about to embark on an evening away from the ship. We're off to see a play... I believe it's something about a murderous barber... And understandably I'm a little worried.
Every time we dock and leave the ship something seems to happen. Whether it be like that time in Moscow, in Africa or Mexico (and God knows that was... eventful) I have this niggling feeling that something will occur in our absence.
All I can do now is enjoy the few days shore leave, and hope for the best.

To the West End!

Nav. x
Sunday 16 May 2010

PostHeaderIcon A row of pink tents

Hello everyone... I know we are only alighting to trade and such, but as London is nearing rapidly I was wondering if I could proffer a suggestion that we visit the West End while we are in Our Glorious capital? (for those of us who have no objection to camping it up.)
all the best
Friday 14 May 2010

PostHeaderIcon EGGS ISN'T DAiRY!!!!!!!!

The Cap'n and myself are slightly under a funny sort of influence right excuse any randomositys. ies.

I am here to post a few illistrations of our current crew. (Capn's jaw is in pain, her cake is hard)

So here are said pictures.

This is the Cap'n the right way up. Struggling to stand for a pose. (The Cap'n told me to remove the e you now e dos not xist)

Th Navigator and th Prof bing all ccntric

This thing...Jacob

Wnch Jad

Mastr Hrford

So I hop vryon liks!!!!!!!!
Goodby from Cap'n and Wnch for now..

Wednesday 12 May 2010

PostHeaderIcon What's this?

I dont know why i didn't write it in the log earlier, but it seems I have gained us a new munitions expert since the mysterious disappearance of gunner riley... during one of my more sober moments, I suppose. those that know him already will know him as a jolly good fellow.
the conversation went something like this:

David: Ah'yl join whoever can pay my way an keep mah attention.
Cap'n: that'll be the good ship Eleanor then.
David: heh. then i offer my abilities and marksmanship cap'n
Cap'n: and i will pay you in rum 8D (i'm sure the nav is better at working out pay)
David: no doubt. Are you a runner (air trades) or of a more ambushing persuasion?
Cap’n: we surprise
Cap’n: nothing is more surprising than a ship run by girls with a drunken captain.
David: youll be needing extra firepower just in case then
Cap’n: oh haha.
David: id offer my credentials but im afraid they would only make me seem a debauched member of the human race.
Cap’n: oh?
David: Im not welcome in certain ports. I like to have a good time.
Cap’n: the amount of times we've been kicked out of port, you'll be fine with us
David: Im a good shot though.
David: with rifles anyway. not too bad with a pistol. shotguns.... id rather be up-close and messy.
Cap’n: well just don't get blood on me velvet coat
David: Thats why i wear leather darlin' - I have a penchant for whisky mind.
Cap’n: well.. get your own cabinet
David: One thing the yanks made well other than rifles. They still cant make decent chest armour. How much loot can the eleanor hold?
Cap’n: we've never managed to get enough, but she can't hold as much as she could when new.
grandma left her to me.
David: as customs go.


Job description (self described):
"i just shoot shit an make your job easier."


He's offering us a third of his takings as rent for a cabin. With this we can pay for MORE VODK- I mean, repairs (to my drinks stock).
Let's see.. we need another cabin door, some rope, a new drinks cabinet, some planks.. planks are nice. I want a new sword. MINE IS BENT AND I DON'T REMEMBER HOW.

